
Time in Toky Japan

Country: Japan
Lat/Long: 35°41’N / 139°42’E
Elevation: 44m
Currency: Yen (JPY)
Current Offset: UTC/GMT +9 hours
Languages: Japanese
Dial Codes: +81
Time in Tokyo is the standard time of this country. Japan is situated in East Asia and the capital of this country is Tokyo. Time in Tokyo is standard time or time that is officially followed. That particular standard time in Japan is known as Japan Standard Time JST. Japan does not adopt daylight saving time which changed two times in one year. Time in Tokyo Japan has a single time zone throughout country.

Time in Tokyo, Japan now

Current local time in Tokyo is JST that is officially recognized in entire country. Japan Standard Time is nine hour plus from the UTC +9 (Coordinated Universal Time). However, Japan standard time is four hours ahead from Pakistan. In case Japan Current time is 12 noon then at the same moment Pakistan standard time will be 8 AM. However, Japan is 16 hours ahead from the United States. Tokyo local time right now is just four hours ahead from Pakistan and nine hours ahead from UTC time. Current local time in Tokyo, Japan can easily calculate through UTC time calculator. Similarly, Tokyo local time is also monitored from your native standard time of your country. Time in Tokyo that is the capital of this country is the standard time and world obey this standard time as the official time. Tokyo time is not changed with daylight saving time, which is change in summer and winter according to daylight. Time in Tokyo, Japan is the official standard time of this country that is 9 hours ahead from UTC.

Japan Map

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