
Current Local Time in Australia

Time in Australia is calculated according to Australian Eastern Standard Time and Eastern Standard Time. Australia time right now is just five hours ahead from the Pakistan Standard Time. However, current local time in Australia according to Pakistan Standard Time is five hours plus. In case you want to know time in Australia now then just add five hours in Pakistan local time. Time in Australia is set two times in a calendar year. That time in Australia called day saving time or DST.
Country: Australia
Long Name: Commonwealth of Australia
Abbreviations: AU, AUS
Capital: Canberra
State: New South Wales (NSW)
Lat/Long: 33°52’S / 151°12’E
Elevation: 66m
Dial Code: +61
Time in Australia setting starts on October 3, at 02:00 AM. In this setting people and official watches of the country ahead one hour from current time. So in this date watches are set one hour ahead from the going on time. Similarly, on April 3 at 03:00 AM in Australia watches are back one hour from the current standard time. This procedure is done according to the DST formula or daylight saving time.

Australian Eastern Standard Time

The Australian Eastern Standard Time is plus 10 from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This is observed during winter when daylight saving in inactive. This is also called like, 1. Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) 2. Eastern Standard Time (EST) 3. Australian Eastern Time (AET)

Eastern Standard Time

The Eastern Standard Time is minus 5 hours from the Coordinated Universal Time standard. According to this, if you want to know Time in Australia now, then subtract five hours from Coordinated Universal Time. However, Australia has three standard time Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) (UTC +10), Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) (UTC +9.5), and Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) (UTC +8)

Australia Map

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