Time in UAE Now

Country:United Arab Emirates
Other Name:UAE
Capital:Abu Dhabi
Time Zones:1
Dial Code:+971
Abbreviations:AE, ARE

Time Zone in United Arab Emirates

Time in UAE or United Arab Emirates is also known as Gulf Standard Time (GST). UAE is the standard time of seven Emirates. UAE or United Arab Emirates is a blend of seven Emirates and the current time in United Arab Emirates is +04:00 UTC. United Arab Emirates do not follow the formula of the daylight saving time. The Gulf Standard Time (GST) is eight hours ahead from Eastern Standard Time. However, Gulf Standard Time is four hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time standard.

United Arab Emirates or UAE located in Asia and these Emirates have single standard time. That time is changed with daylight saving time. That is why this time remains constant all year long. Gulf Standard Time (GST) is followed in UAE and Oman. Time in Dubai, United Arab Emirates now is just four hours ahead from the GMT/UTC. United Arab Emirates does not practice daylight saving time in summer and winter.

Time Zone in United Arab Emirates

Time in United Arab Emirates is actually based on the Gulf Standard Time that is four hours leading the GMT/UCT. That is frequently written as UTC+04:00. Moreover, this Gulf Standard Time is also applied on next door country that is Oman. UAE inhabitants and offices do not change their watches for daylight saving time. Dubai is the prime city and Emirate of the UAE and international business head offices are located here. All international businessmen follow the UAE standard time and adjust their watches UAE standard time through GMT/UTC calculation.

Holidays and Observances in United Arab Emirates in 2022

1 Jan SaturdayNew Year’s DayNational holiday
2 JanSundayNew Year’s Day HolidayNational holiday
1 MarTuesdayLeilat al-Meiraj (The Prophet’s Ascension) (Tentative Date)Observance
20 MarSundayMarch EquinoxSeason
3 AprSundayRamadan Start (Tentative Date)Observance
3 MayTuesdayEid al-Fitr (Tentative Date)National holiday
4 MayWednesdayEid al-Fitr Holiday (Tentative Date)National holiday
5 MayThursdayEid al-Fitr Holiday (Tentative Date)National holiday
21 JunTuesdayJune SolsticeSeason
1 JulFridayHajj season beginsObservance
8 JulFridayArafat (Hajj) Day (Tentative Date)National holiday
9 JulSaturdayEid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) (Tentative Date)National holiday
10 JulSundayEid al-Adha Holiday (Tentative Date)National holiday
11 JulMondayEid al-Adha Holiday (Tentative Date)National holiday
30 JulSaturdayAl-Hijra (Islamic New Year) (Tentative Date)National holiday
23 SepFridaySeptember EquinoxSeason
8 OctSaturdayMouloud (Tentative Date)National holiday
1 DecThursdayCommemoration DayNational holiday
2 DecFridayNational DayNational holiday
22 DecThursdayDecember SolsticeSeason
31 DecSaturdayNew Year’s EveObservance