
Now You Can Get Work Visa of Australia

Now you can get work visa of Australia to fulfill the basic requirement of this visa category. The work visa is required to work legally in this country. Australia hires skilled and qualified individuals from other regions of the world.     

Why Australia Work Visa?

Australia work visa has the following few fundamental advantages over other work visas.

  • Established financial system
  • Pension benefit
  • Numerous different service choices
  • More per hour minimum salary of AUD 21.38
  • Fantastic accommodation standard in Australia.

Job opportunities in Australia

Job opportunities in Australia are comparatively higher than other countries for skilled employees. In case you want to work in Australia, then you can submit an application for the given sectors:

  • Registered nurses
  • High school teacher
  • Software and Applications Programmers for computer
  • Electricians
  • Building managers
  • Carpenters
  • Motor Mechanics
  • University professor and study coach
  • Lawyers
  • General Practitioners (GP) and Resident Medical Executive
  • Accountants

Australia is offering least salary package that is AUD 21.38 from July 2022. Immigrants from all over the world can easily grab the employment. The joblessness rate in Australia in last November was just 3.4 percent. Employers in Austral advertised about 32,000 jobs for skilled individuals. 

 Types of Australia work permits

The provided list indicates various kinds of work permits available in Australia.

Global Talent visaSubclass 858
Employer Nomination SchemeSubclass 186
Permanent Residence Skilled Regional visaSubclass 191
Regional Sponsored Migration SchemeSubclass 187
Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional provisional visaSubclass 494
Skilled Independent visaSubclass 189
Skilled Nominated visaSubclass 190
Skilled-Recognised Graduate visaSubclass 476
Skilled Regional visaSubclass 887
Skilled Work Regional Provisional visaSubclass 491
Temporary Graduate visaSubclass 485
Temporary Activity visaSubclass 408
Temporary Work International Relations visaSubclass 403
Temporary Work Short Stay Specialist visaSubclass 400
Temporary Skill Shortage visaSubclass 482

Requirements for an Australia Work Visa

Australia works visa is vital document that allows the work visa holder to work in this country legally. However, this work visa demands few basic documents from the applicants. Here, we have a list of requirements.

Valid passport

  • Australian visa Form dully filled
  • Paid visa fee receipt
  • One identity photo
  • Valid National Identity Card
  • Police clearance certificate
  • Family certificates who are accompanied
  • Financial support evidences like bank statement.
  • Health insurance certificate from nominated place
  • Authorized recipient Form
  • Proof of a temporary stay
  • Detailed schedule
  • Housing reservations
  • Company authorization letter
  • Invitation letter from employer

Steps to apply for an Australia Work Visa

The followings are few fundamental steps for Australia work visa. These steps are beneficial for the work visa candidates.

Step 1: Submit an EOI

Applicant of this work visa presents an EOI through SkillSelect that is compulsory. However, after this submission, applicant must wait until an Australian state or territory recommends them. But, after this process they should hang around for call to apply after that (ITAs).

Step 2: Checklist of requirements

Each and every work visa category has its own required documents and applicant must arrange and then annex those documents with work visa application. The most important among them are valid passport, a police clearance certificate, health certificate and offer letter from employer.

Step 3: Apply for the Australia work visa

Filled out the provided application Form online. Applicant must fill out all the given fields in the provided application Form.

Wait for confirmation.

Candidates of the work visa will receive a confirmation from the authorities that application and documents have been reached.

Wait for the result.

Candidate of Australia work visa will receive a written confirmation regarding his application whether it is approved or rejected. In case the application to work visa is accepted then applicant will receive.

  • Visa award number
  • Begin date of the visa
  • Visa conditions

Applicant of Australia work visa also gets the details of the visa denial if it is rejected. In case of visa rejection applicant may or may not have right of appeal against judgment. Applicant of this work visa must keep in his mind that the visa fee will not be refunded in case of visa rejection or denial.