I am a recent graduate – how do I approach my job search
: I am a recent graduate – how do I approach my job search according to my qualifications and experience? Job search is the real challenge after completion your graduation or master degree. Konsulenthuset ballisager is a countrywide, medium-sized HR company. We have expertise in searching employees, offering career guideline and enrollment or staffing. However, our prime goal is to bring close job candidates and companies or employers. Similarly, we also offer our private career counseling, overseas souses and “stuck workers”.

The education or qualification is in your hands and you have alter student lifespan with business life. Perhaps you have contacted employer for the first jobs? Are you in job searching process for you? In case you have many questions which are still unanswered as a fresh graduate. Then, you are at the right spot to get answer of your unanswered questions. Our motto is to assist the fresh graduates regarding jobs round the clock. So, we are going to share many questions asked by the fresh graduates and try to provide best suitable answers. We will give outstanding common advice, so you can start your practical life with ease.
The followings are few leading questions frequently asked by the fresh graduates are mentioned as under. In case you have any particular question that is matching given heading and you can tap that headline and it will take you at your required answer.
• Limited experience and good selling points
• Skills and expertise
• Curriculum vitae and application
• About standing out
• Network
Here, we initiate leading question like experience and sale strategy. This is the prime task of a company, but fresh graduate think that it is a problem.
Limited experience and good selling points
1. Companies do not want someone with experience – what do I do?
Yes, companies, organizations and employers prefer applicants having experience. However, it does not indicate that you are not eligible or have a chance of securing job. But, it is up to job category, the selection team, organization, tradition and the candidate selected occupation or field.
In the final field you have 2 candidates:
A fresh graduate who is equipped with? (a) is ready to pass his capabilities into play (b) is inquiring, (c) has the talent to become a skilled worker, (d) has a great aspiration to be successful in the employment and (e) have new awareness in a related field.
However, a graduate with few years of experience. This somewhat more knowledgeable applicant has resolved some of the responsibilities in another position. The salary package between the fresh graduated and the experienced graduate are different. And the experienced candidate’s inspiration and wish to deliver results does not shine through during the job interviews either.
Who do you choose?
The above mentioned example indicates that fresh graduate have a good chance of induction in company because of thrill and enthusiasm. But, fresh graduate need more convincing argument to impress the employer
And what can you do then?
Two things:
1. However, you sure about dedication about job and it should indicate in your application contents. But, according to the employment study 2018, an “unclear description of motivation for the job” this is the prime flaw that is often seen by the employers in applications.
2. Similarly, to influence with oblige and confident, probing approach. Explain that your wish to succeed in the job is amazing and make sure to call the position.
If the employer or interviewer ask related questions, then give a clear gesture to your interviewer that your are dedicated to the said position. Moreover, this answer usually provides a chance to grab a job. That is why it is smart replay than the other candidates.
2. What are the benefits of hiring a recent graduate?
Because you are sharp and have influential. Indicate as a positive sense of statement. As a fresh graduate, you are not distinguished by routine thoughts and custom in the same way that a more experienced worker will naturally be.
You are motivated, dedication, oblige and interest are not often a bad business according to employer point of view.
You are ready to suck at you as an employee you need to listen, you are not decision taking personality who knows everything should be done and should be. Instead, you are open to solutions, and you most likely also inquire productive questions about the assignment in the job and the company’s work-flows, etc., for the reason that you are involved in succeeding and making yourself crucial.
You have talent and the most modern awareness of a, b, c and x, y and z capabilities.
3. How do I go about convincing employers that I should have the job?
First you must have a simple, short and sharp curriculum vitae. And a to the point application with actual examples where you indicate that you are good trained and special match.
Moreover, we advocate that you call the job posting.
The interview call is basically to get details about the qualification, experience and skills of the candidatures. So, in interview interviewers ask few questions to gather information from the candidates.
However, nice and genuine question make the owner remember you – and they observe candidate application. At this occasion employer normally ask a general question to candidate that describe yourself or give details about your bio-data. SO, it is the right time to prove your personality and selection for the position.
This is the time to leave your positive impact and show soft attitude and expertise. But, it does not matter you are fresh or experienced. However, your competency and expertise are vital. Here, we have some proposal regarding this context.
(a). ” I am concerned in… (Your interests should be according to the company’s needs).”
(b). ” The vacancy is exciting in my opinion because I… ( how can you make a difference or resolve issues?)”
(c). “The work nature (as you explained) are attractive to me, as I can apply my x, z and y qualified abilities. I desire to generate x and z value in the position – are these the most significant achievement way in the position? ”
4. How do I tell about myself with the little experience I have?
Here, you can mention your expertise and knowledge with dedication, but partial experience.
Candidate can use his gathered knowledge about the company and can use his competencies and professionalism.
Employer can ask you how you will contribute in company progress with little experience. It can be asked through phone call and in writing. So, answer with logic how you do this.
So, you should explain that how you will resolve a.b.c issues. At this moment you must remain confidant, think and behave positively.
5. What do I answer when asked about my lack of experience with some tasks?
This is a general question from the employer that do you think that you will resolve issue, which is not settled yet? If you think that you believe that it is rather you can learn, then there is also a greater possibility that companies will trust it.
If you point out that you have learned in your studies then it will indicate that you are inexperienced. But, you have to convince the company that you can do this and will resolve your concerned tasks. However, learning from experienced employee will an additional benefit for you.
If the conversation topic is about your lack of experience, then we have four top ranked advises for you.
Exemplify how you want to approach a task:
Your point of view about given task in company (which you have no know-how with) so, portrait who you are and what is your potential to complete the assigned task? Then, show an example how you will resolve the issue that you have no know-how with:
“I visualize that…”
“I want to begin with x. Next, I want to… And I also desire to fx ”
And believe free to manage with the employer:
“Is it in line with the method you believe the assignment should be solved?”
“How do you settle the issue today? Is there something I require to pay particular concentration to? ”
Focus on your motivation:
Why do you desire to resolve the issues? Why are they pleasing to you?
Possibly focus on the scope of the task:
If, for instance, you do not suppose the mission to take up so much space and it is not a prime or main issue, you can ask the employer or owner: “How much does this issue take up in relation to the other issues?”
So, in this way you can realize the employer that it is not the prime or difficult issue, but it is just a little issue.
You are aware that you have to deliver:
You can instigate self-belief if you are conscious that there are precise KPIs related with a issue: “Do you have a precise objective for this task?”
And you must then state it that you can complete.
6. I do not have all the competencies that are in demand – what do I do?
Imagine regarding your future function life: Here, you have an issue that is new for you that need specific skill to resolve. You do not leave, but resolve the issue with your expertise and abilities. What expertise do you use?
It can also assist to ask in one’s system what’s a work issue that needs x capability demands.
CV and application
7. How do I write a good application as a recent graduate?
According to recruitment analysis 2018, Employers frame three good advice for the fresh graduate.
1. Make clear that your qualification abilities can be used for (64%)
2. Apply generally – also non-academic vacancies (38%)
3. Mention less studious in application and CV (36%)
You have to apply advice, but not concentrate on your academic background. As you are fresh graduate that is why you have to apply abilities and expertise you have learned from your studies in practical world.
Your abilities facilitate you to resolve numerous issues. Through responding to this question, you are on right track to explain your competencies:
How will you, applying your expertise, generate x, z and y value for the company?
By explaining – positively – how you desire to resolve an issue (even if you may not have resolved the issue before) we can observe it for ourselves – and it motivate assurance.
8. How do I write a good CV as a recent graduate?
As a fresh graduate, you will face some precise CV challenges – we discuss them here:
1 # Do not mention in your curriculum vitae that you are fresh graduate. But, concentrate on your dedication and expertise instead – and plan to do for the organization future instead.
2 # Your application prime text should be your profile text that address the company needs and position. The majority of employers about (80%) read this portion first. In case it does not attract, then 49% employer do not read the application according to (Recruitment Analysis 2017).
3 # In case you result is awaited then employer emphasize the lack of examples of real results as the most seen inadequacy in the application material they receive (Recruitment Analysis 2018).
About standing out
9. How do I stand out from other applicants with the same education?
In case you have the equal qualification as the other candidates have for the same job, but there are many things that separate you from others. Here, you can distinguish yourself:
1. Your job search technique: CV, application, job interview, etc.
2. Your inspiration and dedication for the job.
3. Your work experience and the results oriented nature you have created so far.
4. Your individual expertise (and the examples you use to explain to them)
5. Your hobbies and involvements.
Your likenesses on the company, your expertise, values will create different when you present them in your curriculum vitae and application. Similarly, your motivation regarding job differ you from other candidates, but with the same qualification.
You and other candidates field do not have the same individual competencies either. The example in this regard is simple that is your expertise is different from the other candidates. Similarly, the plus and negative features – and the way of expression – also unique from other applicants.
Your different hobbies and student jobs are different. You serve differently and your explanation about yourself is different from the other candidates.
10. I have no network – how do I network?
We without delay dismiss the parable that as a fresh graduate you have no network. You have many networks segregated in to A, B and C network. You can enhance them, but it needs few attention and practical work.
Your A-network: Keep touch with the individuals you know well and they contact you often like family members, friends, class fellows, teachers, neighbors and the general store owners around you.
Your B-network: It includes friends of friends, participants from previous courses, old classmates, etc.
Your C-network: It includes the individuals you do not know at this time, but you are related though your network.
However, you have to increase your network on the daily basis with those you meet like at new course, on train journey, at wedding function and in other events.
11. Can networking provide access to jobs?
The answer is yes and sometime no. Networking contact do not have a job guarantee. But, do not have to aim for securing job. However, it is vital for the candidates that during the networking go for the “job-catalyzing”. When you get a little information from one place then that will provide another part of information from other site on the basis of first information. The information search provides the chance of job opportunity. So, your network may open the door of opportunity. However, your network contacts you regarding your need and search.
Some of the aims of a network meeting may be:
1. To secure awareness about the company in which your contact works.
2. To know about the company in which your contact works.
3. To get assistance what tasks you can solve with your present profile.
4. Seeking job and search advice from an important person you look up to.
12. Why should I network as a recent graduate?
Facts and figure present themselves. According to statistics about half numbers of jobs are not published or advertised for candidates, but employees hired without job posting. According to Candidate Analysis 2019, 51% answers that there was no certified job posting when they got their most fresh job.
The candidate analysis also indicates that it pays to use your network in job search. However, about 51% individuals secure their jobs through undetectable job market, but 39% told that they secure the job though their network: In case you use your network smartly in job search, then you can also avoid completion that you face through advertised job.
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