Health Benefits of Sweet Lime
Sweet lime or generally called lime is round in shape with sour taste. The color of this fruit is bright green belong to citrus family. Lime has various ingredients including vitamin C, antioxidants and other essential nutrients. Lime has many verities like key lime, Persian lime, desert lime and makrut lime. All these verities have few differences like acidic and aromatic.

Nutritional Value of Sweet lime
- Energy: 45 calories
- Vitamin A: 90.2 mcg
- Dietary Fibre: 41.64 gms
- Protein: 0.8 gms
- Vitamin C: 53 mg
- Fats: 0.3 gms
Lime has the prime ingredient that is vitamin C that is beneficial for immunity. This fruit minimize the heart diseases, prevent kidney disorders, enhance healthy skin and assist in iron absorption. This fruit is available on entire world, but there are few regions where it grows more than any other fruit. The fresh lime has more strong ingredients that are why use it as a fresh fruit.
We have some amazing health benefits of lime
1. The main ingredients of this fruit are carbohydrates, Protein, Fiber, Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin B6 and Potassium. Moreover, this fruit also contains riboflavin, niacin, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium.
2. Lime is nice source of antioxidants that protect from the harmful impacts of free radicals.
3. This fruit equipped with high vitamin C that is why it strengthens immunity system.
4. Lime is also good for healthy skin and enhances its glowing and provides smoothing.
5. This fruit also reverse the skin downfall because of age related factors. It contains vitamin C that is essential for the healthy and glowing skin.
6. The vitamin C in this fruit protects the heart from serious disorders. Moreover, it lowers the blood pressure.
7. The lime protects the arteries from atherosclerosis that is a disorder or arteries in which they narrow down and cause difficulty for the blood to move with.
8. This fruit is also good for kidney stone and it brings ease in urination and blockage.
9. Lime fruit is the best for the iron absorption within the blood that carry more oxygen and supply all parts of the body.
10. This fruit prevents the people from the iron deficiency anemia. Moreover, this fruit is also necessary and protect different kinds of cancers.
The bottom line regarding lime..
This amazing fruit is the best option to enhance immunity, minimize heart diseases, prohibited kidney stones, increase iron absorption, support healthy skin and prevent different types of cancers.
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