Health Benefits of Dates
Dates are obtained from the date palm tree and it is a fruit of tropical regions of the world. Nowadays this fruit got fame because of various valuable ingredients. This fruit is available in fresh as well as dried form in entire world. This fruit has different colors from bright red to bright yellow. Date has numbers of valuable vitamins, minerals and fibers. Date usually contains protein, fiber, Potassium, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese and Iron.

We have some amazing health benefits of dates.
1. Dates are enrich with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and provide high energy in both fresh and dried form.
2. Dates have a huge amount of fiber that is good for digestive system and prevent from constipation and keep blood sugar in control.
3. Dates contain more antioxidants that are why they are good for different health issues.
4. Date contain valuable antioxidant called Flavonoids which minimize inflammation, cut chances of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and various kinds of cancer.
5. Carotenoids are another antioxidant that protect from the muscular degeneration and provide protection in vision disorders.
6. Date minimizes the inflammation and provide safeguard against plaques forming in brain and that is why it protects from the Alzheimer’s disease.
7. Dates are the best source of energy for the pregnant women. Moreover, it minimizes the duration of labor and brings ease natural labor for pregnant women.
8. Date is the prime source of natural sugar that is fructose present in fruits.
9. Date is a natural substitute of white sugar and it is used in different sweet dishes as natural sweetener.
10. This fruit has various beneficial sources of minerals like phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. So, these mineral protect the bones from osteoporosis disorder.
11. Date manage and control blood sugar level because of vitamin and minerals in it.
12. Dates are used in different sweet dishes to enhance the flavor and tastes.
The bottom line regarding Date.
Date is the best blend of vitamin, minerals and antioxidants. This fruit minimizes the chances of diseases. Dates are available in fresh as well as dried form and that have about same nutrients value.