Health Benefits of Blueberry
Blueberry is famous all over the world and it is sweet and has huge nutritious values. The advantage of this fruit is that it has low calories that are why suitable for weight loss. This fruit is very tasty and has nice flavor. The fruit is produced by bush like plant that produces bluish and purple blueberries. Blueberries are tiny, round and has flat crown at the end. Blueberry changed its shade to reach the mature form, but it is blue in color when it is ripen.

Blueberry has famous two kinds like high bush blueberries that often seen in the United States. The other one is a wild blueberry that is tiny in size, but have rich antioxidants. Blueberries normally contain these vitamins and minerals like Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Manganese and other valuable nutrients. However, Blueberries contain more fiber, vitamin C and K in its fruit.
Blueberries Nutritional Facts
Half a cup blueberries contains:
- Calories: 42
- Protein: 1 gram
- Sugar: 7 grams
- Fat: Less than 1 gram
- Carbohydrates: 11 grams
- Fibre: 2 grams
We have some amazing health benefits of Blueberry.
1. Blueberry is the prime source of antioxidant that protects from aging, cancer and protect from the free radical production.
2. Blueberry has more antioxidants that any other fruit and the antioxidant in this fruit is Flavonoids that is the most valuable.
3. Blueberry has nice antioxidants which protect the DNA from the harmful effects of the free radical.
4. Blueberry protects the DNA from any damage from the free radical that is why it slows down the aging process and different types of cancer.
5. Blueberry protects the body from the bad LDL cholesterol and provide safeguard from heart risk.
6. This fruit is good for the high blood pressure patients and high blood pressure the main risk for majority of people.
7. According to recent studies it is indicated that consumption of blueberry provide protection from the heart diseases.
8. The antioxidant presents in this fruit also beneficial for the brain health and delaying mental decline process.
9. Blueberry also beneficial in diabetic patient because it enhances insulin sensitivity and minimizes blood sugar level.
10. This fruit also good in urinary tract infections and kill the bacteria causing UTI infection in bladder.
11. Blueberry also provides good muscle recovery after workout.
The bottom line regarding blueberry.
Blueberry is fantastic full of energy and beneficial nutrients. This fruit is good for heart, brain and skin.