Health Benefits Of Blackberries
Blackberry is also known as caneberries and also famous as bramble plants. Blackberry is cultivated in many countries and regions of the world. However, mainly it is seen in Asia, Europe, and North and South America. Blackberry as a fruit has numerous health benefits and advantages. This fruit is full of vitamins C, K, Manganese and fiber. Blackberry contains more fibers than any other fruits and it is good for brain health and alertness.

Here are the Available Nutritional Values of The Blackberry:
- Energy: 43 Kcal
- Carbohydrates: 9.61 g
- Proteins: 1.39 g
- Vitamin A: 214 IU
- Fat: 0.49 g
- Vitamin C: 21 mg
- Cholesterol: 0 g
- Vitamin E: 1.17 mg
- Fibres: 7.6 g
- Vitamin K: 19.8 g
- Sodium: 1 mg
- Potassium: 162 mg
We have some amazing health benefits of blackberry.
1. Blackberry has fantastic taste and flavor. Moreover, blackberry has many health advantages and benefits for the consumers.
2. Blackberry is the prime source of vitamin C that is why it is known as vitamin C enriched fruit.
3. Blackberry also produces collagen production for bones, connective tissues and blood veins.
4. Blackberry vitamin C also good in wounds healing, regenerate lost skin, minimize free radical production in body, quickly absorb iron, protect from common cold and guard from scurvy.
5. Blackberry has enough vitamin C that protect from the cancer causing agents. Moreover, vitamin C plays a role of antioxidant and minimizes stress.
6. This fruit has more fiber that is why it protects from many digestive problems like bloating, constipation, and stomach pain.
7. Fiber is beneficial for health and it provides safe guard from heart disorders. It minimize cholesterol, help in digestion, control sugar level, fell fuller for long hours and good for gut bacteria.
8. Blackberry has a huge amount of vitamin K that help in blood clot during injury or skin cut.
9. If body faces deficiency of vitamin K, then it causes bone thinning and fragile the bones. Similarly, due to deficiency of this vitamin it causes heavy menstrual bleeding.
10. Manganese contents are high in this fruit that help immune system which protect the body from many diseases.
11. Manganese is also good for production of collagen that necessary for smooth and healthy skin.
12. Manganese is fantastic in epileptic seizures, blood sugar level and osteoporosis.
13. Blackberries may improve brain health and protect from memory loss because of aging.
14. Blackberries also protect from different types of gum disease and cavities. That is why this fruit is amazing for oral health.
The bottom line regarding Blackberries.
Blackberries is full of different vital vitamins like vitamin C, K, Manganese and fiber. It has huge health benefits specifically for age related issues like memory loss.