Guava Benefits
Guava originated from Central America. This fruit has an amazing taste with light green to yellow peel. Guava contains antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. This fruit has numbers of health advantages or benefits. All prime vitamins and minerals are present in this fruit. The important constituent is antioxidant properties which help in various health issues.

Nutritional Facts
- Calories – 112
- Fats – 1.6 grams
- Protein – 4.2 grams
- Carbs – 23.6 grams
- Sugar- 14 grams
- Fiber – 8.9 grams
- Vitamin C – 377 Milligrams
The followings are few prominent health advantages of guava.
- According to fruit experts this fruit has fantastic advantages for the debates patient. It controls blood sugar in diabetes.
- Guava has three main health advantages like it controls and manages high blood pressure, minimize bad cholesterol and enhance good cholesterol level.
- Guava also cures two important medical issues like diarrhea and constipation.
- According to experts this fruit is beneficial in weight loss because it has fewer calories and more fiber. That is way it gives feeling of fullness.
- Guava is enriching with antioxidant that is why it protects from cancer and stop growth of cancer cells.
- This fruit has a huge amount of vitamin “C” which is necessary to fight infections and illness.
- Guava is good at digestive system mobility and assist in food digestion.
- This fruit contains more vitamins “C” and due to this it enhances immunity and fight against infections.
- Guava consists of vitamin “C” and other polyphenols which protect the human body form growth of cancer cells.
- The fruit is full of vitamin “A” and increases the eyesight or vision. Moreover, it also protects from the degeneration of eye muscles and decreases the process of appearance of cataracts.
- Guava is amazing for the pregnant women because it contains folic acid that is good for developing baby nervous system. Moreover, it inhabit from various neurological disorders.
- The fruit is full of energy and magnesium present in it relaxes body muscles, relief in stress and simply it is energy booster.
- The vitamin “B6” and vitamin “B3” with niacin facilitate blood flow to brain. In this away it calms the nerves.
- This fruit protects from cough, cold and other common viral infections.