Free Internet, Minutes and SMS Offers Jazz, Ufone, Telenor & Zong
Free internet, minutes and SMS offers are suitable for all sort of customer of this network. Free internet, minutes and SMS offers is available in entire country. The Corona virus pandemic badly affects the entire world businesses and daily life. People are losing their jobs and saving is reducing with the passage of time.

According to world health organization and other health organization emphasizing the public to stay at own homes. This is the best way to protect yourself and others from this virus. Similarly, Government of every country strictly prohibits the citizen to come out from their homes.
In this way the telecommunication sector also offering different phone packages to stay at home. Moreover, businesses and other activities like education have shift online. In this scenario the phone companies provide and introduced numbers of packages. In Pakistan the telecommunication companies also playing their role to keep the people stay at home. They have offered packages for free internet, minutes and SMS facility to its users.
But, all users or customers are not fully aware regarding these packages or offers. We have arranged and organize these packages in one place for mobile users. The offers from the telecommunication companies are for all users or customers.
Free Internet, Minutes and SMS Offers.
These free Internets, minutes and SMS detail is as under. However, these packages are from leading mobile companies working in Pakistan.
Jazz offers the following free packages for its valuable users or customers in Pakistan.
1. Free 2 GB data *462#
2. Free Facebook *114*6#
3. Free 500 MB *117*72*3#
4. Free MinutesDaily *212*2#
5. Free Sms *706*2#
Ufone offers the following free packages for its customers in Pakistan.
1. Free 10 minutes *2030#
2. Free 2 GB Whatsapp *987#
3. Free SMS *5015#
4. Free 5 GB Data *987#
5. Free Facebook *4422#
Telenor offers the following free packages in Pakistan for its users.
1. Free 2 GB Whatsapp *247#
2. Free Facebook *5*325#
3. Free SMS *2*2*1#
4. Free minutes *300#
5. Free 1 GB Data to get install My Telenor app
Zong offers the following free packages in Pakistan for its valuable customers.
1. Free 20 minutes *45#
2. Free 1 GB *563*85*23# However, users can also get free 4 GB internet through installing my Zong app.
3. Free Whatsapp *247#
4. Free Facebook *56*8*23#