
Best Countries to Live in 2025

Best countries to live in 2023 according to facilities, services and job opportunities are different in world. Are you planning to settle new destination and want to know where in the world life is amazing to reside? The United States News and World reported about countries ranking, which is based on a survey report of 17,000 people all over the world, assessing 85 countries on the basis of 76 indicators.

In the surveyed countries there are different factors which were considered like education, health facilities and security. All these factors determine the value of existence. Thus, in case you want to reside, employment and play then continue reading.

In this editorial, we will explain and discuss following countries which are in top ranking according to quality of life.

Best Quality of Life: Top 10 Countries
The United States News and World report carried out a country survey to confirm education, medical assistance, GDP and other factors as well as establishing the countries’ excellence of life every year.

Find out which countries offer the best quality of life based on indicators such as purchasing power, average life expectancy, education, gender equality, safety, and monetary excellence.
Let’s check the top ten countries of the world.

10. New Zealand

New Zealand is familiar all over the world because of its excellent residing standard and vibrant life in this part of the world.

New Zealand inhibitors believe of hard and continuous work for their country, but they also maintain a sound balance between work and health. In this country, each and every big city is away from the facilities like beach, motorbike route or national park. In case you are residing in this country as permanent resident, citizen or holding work permit with minimum two years validity then you can enjoy public health services which free of cost or nominal cost. However, if you are equipped with temporary visa even, then you can enjoy many facilities and services under certain situations.

New Zealand – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores
Quality of life: Ranking # 10
Score: 83.6

A good job market77.3
Economically stable78.1
Family friendly93.5
Income equality70.0
Politically stable81.9
Well-developed public education system71.8
Well-developed public health system63.6

9. Australia

Australia is a wealthy country with a market-based financial system. Australian inhabitants indulged in different sports while the lifespan of the residents of this country is longer in both genders. All Australian cities are vibrant and have best ranking in the world. In 2017 voters tremendously agreed same-sex marriage legalization in this country. Australian marvelous educational system is famous all over the world.

Australia – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores
Quality of life: Ranking # 9
Score: 85.7

A good job market95.8
Economically stable93.1
Family friendly100.0
Income equality59.2
Politically stable86.6
Well-developed public education system65.3
Well-developed public health system63.3

 8. Netherlands

Netherlands stands number eight in general in the survey report conducted in 2022. However, strong political constancy and well-organized community health and education systems differentiate the country in the standings. Netherlands is the first country of the world which permits same-sex marriage and is familiar as a liberal society in world. The inhabitants of this country are well aware about the museums. Moreover, in this country there are more than 32 thousand kilometers track is for cyclists which encourage citizens to be more fit physically.

The citizens of this country pay 52% tax on their earnings. Thus, they do not have any objection because country is offering fantastic services and marvelous life. The public transportation is very well organized, salaries are outstanding, country is secure and the offer quality education in its institutions.

Netherlands – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores

Quality of life: Ranking # 8
Score: 88.9

A good job market88.4
Economically stable94.9
Family friendly89.8
Income equality61.5
Politically stable83.7
Well-developed public education system83.8
Well-developed public health system79.1

7. Germany

Germany has an amazing financial ranking in the world. This country scores in general seventh ranking in the list. Germany possesses a well-built economy and equipped fantastic community education and health systems. Similarly there are many other benefits like skilled and unique employees and flourishing telecommunications, health, and traveler sectors.

This country is famous for its import as well as standard exports. Germany is an iconic position in the world regarding the origin of many historical cultural.

Germany – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores 

Quality of life: Ranking # 7
Score: 90.0

A good job market100.0
Economically stable98.6
Family friendly69.8
Income equality58.7
Politically stable93.9
Well-developed public education system93.0
Well-developed public health system94.6

6. Finland

Finland occupied stable ranking because of security, well-organized teaching system and pleasant appearance to families. This country has marvelous education system that is why it is pioneer in this sector all over the world. Finland also got fame because of civil rights, best residing facilities and press liberty. Finland is the first country which offers the women the right to vote according to their desire.

The economy of this country is based on the free market and it invests just like it’s neighboring Nordic countries in social security nets and community services.

Finland – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores

Quality of life: Ranking # 6
Score: 90.0

A good job market69.1
Economically stable85.7
Family friendly92.0
Income equality89.2
Politically stable83.6
Well-developed public education system85.8
Well-developed public health system76.6

5. Norway

Norway stands on the fifth position in conducted survey report. Norway’s security system is outstanding, firm strategy, and well-developed community teaching system stand out in the rankings. This country is wealthy because of large oil exports, offers free higher education and a long bookish custom.

Norway is a developed and well-organized country in the world, with fantastic living facilities and has best facilities to reside in this part of the world.

Norway is located in Europe that is why it offers the best working opportunities to skilled and unskilled employees. This country provides different facilities like maternity leave and gender equality standing out. However, the jobless ratio is lowest in this region and salaries are outstanding, specifically for the employees having latest or modern degrees or certifications.

Norway – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores
Quality of life: Ranking # 5
Score: 96.3

A good job market74.5
Economically stable87.7
Family friendly93.6
Income equality100.0
Politically stable85.2
Well-developed public education system92.9
Well-developed public health system90.2

 4. Switzerland

The ranking of this country is based on different factors like financial system, firm strategy, and a well-organized public teaching system.

This country has lowest joblessness ratio and equipped with well-trained and skilled employees. The economy is based on the lowest corporate taxation, well-developed facilities and outstanding economic sector with best high ranked manufacturing production. Individuals who want to settle in Europe then this country is the best option to reside. Moreover, Switzerland is the fantastic country and has first rank in the best countries to retire survey.
Switzerland – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores
Quality of life: Ranking # 4
Score: 96.7

A good job market92.2
Economically stable100.0
Family friendly85.4
Income equality85.2
Politically stable100.0
Well-developed public education system81.7
Well-developed public health system84.7

3. Canada

Canada is enlisted in the countries which are secures and safe. However, living standard in all countries of the world is different from individual to individual. There are many things which are amazing in Canadian society.

The overall physical fitness of Canadian people are best and they are protected from any type of any hazardous or infectious diseases.

Canada is equipped with high-tech facilities and industries. However, the service industry is the main financial driver in this country. Canada exports a lot of energy, food stuff and minerals. Canada is number three in ranking regarding oil producing country. Moreover, it has huge oil reserves in the world. The financial position of this country is strong that is why standard of living in this part of the world is outstanding.

The environmental condition of this region is the best that is why this nation has top tier of nations. According to the Canadian constitution male and female have the same rights. That is why the provincial and federal human rights legislation defends them from gender favoritism by government and private sector businesses. Wedding, separation, and military service are all officially gender-neutral under federal law.

Canada – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores 
Quality of life: Ranking # 3
Score: 97.9

A good job market100.0
Economically stable96.0
Family friendly98.6
Income equality73.1
Politically stable85.8
Well-developed public education system92.9
Well-developed public health system89.4

2. Denmark

Denmark has the second ranking in the world on the basis of quality of life. Denmark’s ranking based on earnings impartiality, firm political beliefs, safety, and good community teaching and health systems.

The Danish government is famous because of firm and apparent unit. Denmark operates under the constitutional dominion and members of Denmark’s highest lawmaking body, Folk ting, are chosen by the citizens. The Danish government is enhancing, and the country’s social structure has splendid social mobility.

This country has the best taxation culture, best health facilities, offers free treatment to its citizens and higher education is free of cost.

Denmark has many industries like food processing industry, iron purifying, steel production and tourism. The prime industries like agriculture, pharmaceuticals, processed foods, and furniture products are the leading export of this country.

Denmark – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores
Quality of life: Ranking # 2
Score: 99.9

A good job market78.3
Economically stable86.8
Family friendly93.8
Income equality97.3
Politically stable96.1
Well-developed public education system94.6
Well-developed public health system100.0

1. Sweden

Sweden is number one in ranking of the world according to quality of life. This country gains this rank because of well-organized health facilities, community schooling, safety, financial stability, and politics.

Moreover, Sweden is devoted to sustainability, human rights, assets sharing, and university education. This is the most attractive and has natural beauty with magnificent landscapes, astonishing cities, and enormously educated inhabitants.

Sweden – Quality of Life Attributes and Scores

Quality of life: Ranking # 1
Score: 100.0

A good job market91.0
Economically stable90.0
Family friendly96.2
Income equality87.5
Politically stable96.1
Well-developed public education system100.0
Well-developed public health system94.2

The Verdict
You have read about the top ranked countries of the world according to the best quality of life in 2023. Did your country make the list?

If you are scheduling to shift or just probing, the ranking position indicate the reality of the country and offered facilities to live.

We are hopeful that this article will be helpful and informative. If you have any relevant experience of residing in any one of the country mentioned in the list, then we are interested in hearing from you.