Benefits of Pears
Pear is an amazing fruit, which is bell-shaped and consumed when it is soft. This fruit is nice in taste and has fantastic flavor. Moreover, pear has numerous health benefits. It is equipped with many vital vitamins and minerals along fiber. This fruit is present in majority of the countries of the world. Pear has numbers of varieties, but Barlett, Bosc and D’ Anjou are the prime varieties of this fruit. Pears are available most of the time and it is used in different ways like oatmeal, salads, and smoothies.

A medium-sized Pear 178 grams provides nutrients.
- Calories: 101
- Protein: 1 gram
- Carbs: 27 grams
- Fiber: 6 grams
- Vitamin C: 12% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Vitamin K: 6% of DV
- Potassium: 4% of the DV
- Copper: 16% of DV
We have some amazing health benefits of pear.
1. Pear normally contains these vitamins and minerals like Protein, fiber, carbs, vitamin C, vitamin K, Potassium and Copper. Moreover, it also contains Folate, Provitamin A, and Niacin.
2. Pear is beneficial for healthy, smooth, glowing skin and it enhance process of wounds healing.
3. Copper present in this fruit increases immunity in the body that fight against the diseases.
4. Potassium in pear help in muscle contractions and heart fitness.
5. All necessary vitamin and minerals are amazing and also have polyphenol antioxidants that protect the body from illness.
6. Pear is enrich with dietary fiber like prebiotics that is essential for digestive system and keep moving the bowel. Moreover, it protects from the constipation.
7. Pear contains different compounds and because of these it has different shades or colors. However, the red pear provide safeguard against heart diseases and green pears are good for vision disorders.
8. Pear has fantastic antioxidants that are why it fights against inflammation and many other relevant diseases.
9. This fruit also has anticancer properties and it provides protection in many kinds of cancers like lung, stomach, and bladder.
10. Pear is beneficial are different health disorders including type 2 diabetes because of fiber and anthocyanin.
11. Pear is amazing for heart and minimizes chances of heart disorders. It contains various types of antioxidants like procyanidins and quercetin which enhance performance of heart. Moreover, it maintains blood pressure, cholesterol level and it cut down stroke risk.
12. Pear reduces weight because it contains water and fibers which fell full. That is why it burns the body fat to fulfill the need of the body energy.
13. Pear can be used or eaten with its peel or skin. The peel of the pear contains more vitamins and minerals.
The bottom line regarding Pear.
Pear contains all essential vitamins, minerals and fibers. It protects from inflammation, digestive and heart issues and it is beneficial in weight loss.